Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/150

Detdiar sidj as efterluket wurden.



Thou art my guest since yestereven,
And I, with Allah's aid, have striven
Our Prophets precept to fulfil,
And keep thee from all pain and ill.
Such duty may not be discussed,
The guest is Allah's sacred trust.
If then the service of this night
Hath found acceptance in thy sight,
I pray thee with thy presence deign
To grace a mournful funeral train."
He paused, his pale lips trembled fast,
And through his frame a shudder passed.
Then calm resuming, "Know," he said,
"The child that won thy praise is dead !
The noonday sun shot through his brain
A deadly dart of mortal pain ;
An hour before thy horses' tread
Sounded afar, his spirit fled.
So Allah willed it ! Be it so !
Who but the all-knowing God should know