Anthony Trollope
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Anthony Trollope (* 24. April 1815, † 6. Deetsember 1882, uun London) wiar ään faan dön miast uunsen ingels dachtern faan det 19. juarhunert.
BewerkeTrollope wurd uun London bäären. A aatj, Thomas Anthony Trollope, wiar afkoot (man kaam hi ei tu brud) an leeder uk büür. A mam, Frances Trollope, en foomen faan en prääster, kaam efter en apenthual uun Nuurdameerika üüs bekäänd skriiwer tu brud. Hat kaam man weler tu Ingelun tu hör maan turag, wat diar ferblewen wiar. Trollope beschückt üüs kint skuulen üüs Harrow an Winchester College.
List faan werken
- The Macdermots of Ballycloran (1847)
- The Kellys and the O'Kellys (1848)
- La Vendée: An Historical Romance (1850)
- The Three Clerks (1858)
- The Bertrams (1859)
- Castle Richmond (1860)
- Orley Farm (1862)
- The Struggles of Brown, Jones & Robinson (1862)
- Rachel Ray (1863)
- Miss Mackenzie (1865)
- The Belton Estate (1866)
- The Claverings (1867)
- Nina Balatka (1867)
- Linda Tressel (1868)
- He Knew He Was Right (1869)
- The Vicar of Bullhampton (1870)
- Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite (1871)
- Ralph the Heir (1871)
- The Golden Lion of Granpère (1872)
- Harry Heathcote of Gangoil (1874)
- Lady Anna (1874)
- The Way We Live Now (1875)
- The American Senator (1877)
- Is He Popenjoy? (1878)
- John Caldigate (1879)
- An Eye for an Eye (1879)
- Cousin Henry (1879)
- Ayala's Angel (1881)
- Doctor Wortle's School (1881)
- The Fixed Period (1882)
- Kept in the Dark (1882)
- Marion Fay (1882)
- Mr. Scarborough's Family (1883)
- The Landleaguers (1883)
- An Old Man's Love (1884)
Serien: Chronicles of Barsetshire
- The Warden (1855)
- Barchester Towers (1857)
- Doctor Thorne (1858)
- Framley Parsonage (1861)
- The Small House at Allington (1864)
- The Last Chronicle of Barset (1867)
Serien: Palliser novels
- Can You Forgive Her? (1865)
- Phineas Finn (1869)
- The Eustace Diamonds (1873)
- Phineas Redux (1874)
- The Prime Minister (1876)
- The Duke's Children (1880)
Kurt Staken
- Tales of All Countries – 1st Series (1861)
- Tales of All Countries – 2nd Series (1863)
- "Gentle Euphemia" (1866)
- Lotta Schmidt & Other Stories (1867)
- An Editor's Tales (1870)
- "Christmas at Kirkby Cottage" (1870)
- "Never, Never -- Never, Never" (1875)
- "Catherine Carmichael" (1878)
- Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices and other Stories (1882)
- The Two Heroines of Plumpington (1882)
- "Not If I Know It"
- The West Indies and the Spanish Main (1859)
- North America (1862)
- Hunting Sketches (1865)
- Travelling Sketches (1866)
- Clergymen of the Church of England (1866)
- On English Prose Fiction as a Rational Amusement (1869)
- The Commentaries of Caesar (1870)
- Australia and New Zealand (1873)
- New South Wales & Queensland (1874)
- South Africa (1878)
- How the 'Mastiffs' Went to Iceland (1878)
- Iceland (1878)
- Thackeray (1879)
- Life of Cicero (1880)
- Lord Palmerston (1882)
- An Autobiography (1883)
- London Tradesmen (1927)
- The New Zealander (1927)
- Did He Steal It? (1869)
- The Noble Jilt (1923)
Bewerke- "The Irish Church," Fortnightly Review, Vol. II, 1865, pp. 82–90.
- "Public Schools," Fortnightly Review, Vol. II, 1865, pp. 476–87.
- "The Civil Service," Fortnightly Review, Vol. II, 1865, pp. 613–26.
Bewerke- The Letters of Anthony Trollope, ed. by B. A. Booth (1951)
- The Letters of Anthony Trollope, ed. by N. John Hall (1983)