Henry Handel Richardson
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Henry Handel Richardson, eentlik Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson, befraiet Robertson (* 3. Janewoor 1870 in Melbourne; † 20. Märts 1946 in Fairlight, Sussex) waos en austraalisk skriiwer.
Bewerke- Maurice Guest, 1908, ISBN 978-1406838718, (tutsk auerseeting 1912)
- The Getting of Wisdom, 1910, ISBN 978-1103636327
- Australia Felix, 1917, ISBN 978-1406926958
- The Way Home, 1926
- Ultima Thule, 1929, ISBN 978-1417927517, lääer ok as: The Fortunes of Richard Mahony
- The End of a Childhood, fertälinge, 1934
- The Young Cosima, 1939
- Myself When Young, Autobiografii, 1948