Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/269

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censure, he had gradually succeeded in obtaining the
entire confidence of him who judged himself so severe-
ly, and in this way he brought him at length to the feet
of the Saviour. For the way to Golgotha leads over
Sinai, and whoever seeks to find an easier path thither,
will only half reach his destination, and, therefore, only
find an imperfect peace which will not stand the test of
lonely, solemn hours of self-examination.
  At the same time, the pastor often turned the con-
versation upon worldly matters, called Godber's atten-
tion to the miserable condition of his wharf, reminded
him that he was neglecting his little flock of sheep, ad-
vised him, and asked for advice in trifling household
affairs, and in this way, roused him to activity and to
an interest in the ordinary duties of life. He now
thought his victory complete, and that the unhappy
separation between Godber and Maria was near its close.
But here he found an unexpected obstacle. Every
allusion to a reunion was repulsed by both.
  "Oh this eternal halfwayness !" exclaimed Hold.
"Our gracious Father in heaven has done every thing,
that his children may enjoy this world and its good
gifts ; has freed us, in his mercy, from the weight of a
guilty conscience ; demands no more penance, no more
sacrifice, but desires that in the experience and ac-
knowledgement of his boundless love, we should now
live cheerful and happy, accepting and enjoying with
childlike confidence, what he offers us out of his full-
ness. He will have the hearts of his children to be
open to his love, not merely to that love which speaks
to them in loud organ-like tones, but also to that which
breathes, as it were, in the soft notes of the flute. He