Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/294

Detdiar sidj as efterluket wurden.

and ask with astonishment, "How has all this hap-
pened ?" In judging ourselves, no severity is too
great ; but when we would judge others, let the con-
sciousness of our own weakness make us breathe the
prayer, "O God, lead us not into temptation !"
  The cask was fortunately found uninjured, was open-
ed at once, and the necessary food was prepared in the
wine. In this way refreshment was provided, which
infused new warmth and life into their wet and chilled
  "Thus far the Lord has helped us !" exclaimed Hold,
when all were satisfied. "Let us go out to the place
where his sanctuary stood, that we may thank him
there, where we have so often called upon his holy
name. There, in view of the destruction of all our
temporal goods, will we praise him that he has pre-
served those dearest to us, and still showed his love to
us, even when his hand was heavy upon us." And he
commenced singing Luther's hymn, "In deepest grief
I cried to thee !" and the whole congregation joined in
the following verses on their way to the site of the

    And should my grief last till the night,
      Or even till the morrow,
    My heart shall trust its Father's might,
      Nor feel despairing sorrow.
    For thus the soul regenerate,
    Whom grace divine did re-create,
    Will on its God with patience wait.

    Although so many are our sins,
      Yet more the grace he giveth ;
    However great may be our need,
      His arm is strong that saveth.