The only shepherd true is he !
Israel's Redeemer will he be,
And from his trouble set him free.
As the pastor ascended the mound, which, in its
washed condition, could scarcely be called a wharf, and
upon which not a stone or timber remained to remind
them that a building had stood here, the first object
which met his sight was the body of Maria. She must
have been floated back by the retreating tide, and was
left in one of the cavities of the mound, almost in a
sitting posture, so that at the first glance she seemed
like a living person who had sought shelter here from
the rough winds. All pressed around Hold as he bent
over the corpse with tearful eyes. He was so much
moved and saddened, that he endeavored in vain to re-
cover the cheerful, trusting confidence with which he
had led the congregation hither.
So, then, this youthful life which had known happi-
ness only in a dream, had vanished. When the dream
seemed about to be fulfilled, a sharp winter frost
touched the buds of her bridal garland, and they with-
ered away. And thou, too, with thy modest, simple
nature, who seemed made to walk peacefully through
the world unnoticed by destiny which smites proud
hearts, and tries more excitable tempers, thou, too,
must bleed, a patient sacrifice to a world agitated by
passion. But a fair morning-star had risen in thy heart,
and called forth flowers not born of earth, over which
no winter frost has power, and which nourished by the
dews of heavenly peace and the tears of earthly sorrow,
unfolded themselves luxuriantly and sent a richer fra-
grance toward heaven. Thy soul has not passed into
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/295
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