In want they pine,
With wealth untold;
Hearts warm with wine,
And yet so cold !
Refined are they —
Yet what alloy !
Pleasure and play,
And yet no joy !
Glitter and show —
No beam from heaven;
Can greater woe
By death be given?
The pastor Hold now joined the group assembled on
the shore. Having been but a few years on the island,
he had never seen Godber, but he had learned to know
him through Maria, and therefore gave him a friendly
The house which had first received the strangers not
being large enough to accommodate them comfortably,
the pastor and other persons of the congregation offered
their own dwellings ; but as there was the same want
of space in all, a separation of the party seemed to be
necessary. Godber, however, proposed to furnish the
house formerly owned by his father, but now unoccu-