Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/90

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   Through sunshine and through shadow
      The path of nations leads ;
     Bondage doth nurture freedom,
      Wrong reaps its own misdeeds.

  As the pastor returned to his house, he found Man-
der and Oswald already there. They had come, partly
to thank him for the interest he had shown for them,
and partly to see whether, during their stay on the
hallig, they were likely to enjoy the society of a single
cultivated family. Their expectations indeed were
small, and the exterior and interior of the house, in
comparison with which that of the gardener at their
country seat was a palace, were not calculated to in-
crease them. Simplicity and economy seemed to be
stewards here. Neatness supplied the place of show,
tidiness that of elegance, and convenient arrangement
that of abundance. The dress of the pastor's wife, as
well as that of her child, bore the marks of her indus-
trious needle, which knew how to make the worn fabric
last as long as possible, and to give it new and becom-
ing, if not fashionable, forms. The mother and the