Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/112

Detdiar sidj as efterluket wurden.



The camel scarce his foot may keep.
But hi the desert, at this hour,
The wanderer feels unwonted power.
He counteth not the weary leagues,
Recks not of dangers or fatigues.
How doth the heart of Ishmael's child
Bound, to behold his native wild
In the fair morning light spread out !
He fills the air with song and shout !

Oh, would'st thou taste the highest bliss
That freedom on the soul bestows,
Go forth into the wilderness,
When the first day-born zephyr blows !
There shalt thou feel thy Psyche-wings
Lift thee above all earthly things !
But ah, they shall not bear thee long,
For Phœbus, wroth at human pride,
Will smite thee, with a beam as strong
As that by which young Icarus died,