Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/64

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"Weep not for me, loving father, but so thickly comes my
On my heart is such a pressure — it must be the hand of
    death !
Ere I go, one boon I pray thee, for the love thou bearest me,
For the sake of blessed Mary, set thy Moorish captives free !

"There is one they call Abdallah, royal is his step and eye −
Once he was the lord of Tunis, thou hast marked his bearing
And hast read in every gesture, he was Allah's slave, not
    thine —
When I lie beside my mother, give him from my hand this

And the sleep no sorrow breaketh then the lovely Ellen slept,
And the promise made her dying faithfully the father kept.
Soon the Arabs o'er the desert their fleet steeds are spur-
    ring fast.
High the yellow sand-clouds tossing, like the Simoom's
    smothering blast.