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Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte (* 24. Mei 1803 uun Paris; † 29. Jüüle 1857 uk diar) wiar en itajeensken bioloog an politiker. Keiser Napoléon Bonaparte (1769–1821) wiar san unkel. Bonaparte hää flook juaren uun Ameerikoo ferbroocht. Sin wedenskapelk ufkörtang as Bp..

Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte


  • Collected pamphlets. 1824–26.
  • Additions to the ornithology of the United States. Philadelphia 1825.
  • American ornithology or The natural history of birds inhabiting the United States. Mitchell, Philadelphia 1825–1833.
  • Description of a new species of South American Fringilla. Philadelphia 1825.
  • Descriptions of ten species of South American birds. Philadelphia 1825.
  • Observations on the nomenclature of Wilson’s ornithology. Finley, Philadelphia 1826.
  • Sulla seconda edizione del Regno animale del Barone Cuvier. Marsigli, Bologna 1830.
  • Cenni sopra le variazioni a cui vanno soggette la farfalle del gruppo Melitaea. 1831.
  • Di una nuova specie d’uccello dell’Isola di Cuba. Florenz 1831.
  • Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le quattro Classi degli Animali Vertebrati. Salvineci & Filippo, Rom 1832–1841.
  • Saggio d’una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati a sangue freddo. Boulzaler, Rom 1832.
  • Notices and descriptions of new or interesting birds from Mexico and South America. London 1837.
  • The Prince of Musignano laid before the Meeting the following communication, containing notices and descriptions of new or interesting birds from Mexiko and South America. In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Band 5, Nr. 159, 1838, S. 108–122 (englisch, biodiversitylibrary.org – 1837).
  • A geographical and comparative list of the birds of Europe and North America. van Voorst, London 1838.
  • Amphibia europea ad systema nostrum vertebratorum ordinata. Turin 1840.
  • A new systematic arrangement of vertebrated animals. Taylor, London 1841.
  • Catalogo metodico degli uccelli europei. Bologna 1842.
  • Osservazioni sullo stato della zoologia in Europa in quanto di vertebrati nell’anno 1840–1841. Florenz 1842.
  • Genus novum fringillinarum, bustamantia capilaurea. Bologna 1844.
  • Catalogo metodico dei mammiferi europei. Mailand 1845.
  • Observations on the state of zoology in Europe, as regards the Vertebrata. London 1845.
  • Parere del presidente della sezione sig. principe Carlo Bonaparte e della commissione da lui nominata per lo esame dell’anzidetta memoria del prof. de Nanzio. Neapel 1845.
  • Catalogo metodico dei pesci Europei. Fibreno, Neapel 1846. (Digitalisat in der Digitalen Bibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
  • Conspectus generum avium. (Band 1) Brill, Leiden 1850 online
  • Monographie des loxiens. Arnz, Leiden 1850.
  • Monographie de Laniens. In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (= 2). Band 5, 1853, S. 433–441 (biodiversitylibrary.org).
  • Notes ornithologiques sur les collections rapportées en 1853 par M. A. Delattre. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris 1854.
  • Tableau des perroquets. In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (= 2). Band 6, 1854, S. 145–158 (biodiversitylibrary.org).
  • Conspectus generum avium. (Band 2) Brill, Leiden 1857 online

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