Constantine S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz

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Constantine Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz, kurt Rafinesque, (* 22. Oktuuber 1783 uun Galata, Osmaans Rik; † 18. September 1840 uun Philadelphia) wiar en sjiisk, fransöösk an US-amerikoonsken geliarten. Sin wedenskapelk ufkörtang as Raf..

C. S. Rafinesque


  • Specchio delle scienze, Palermo 1814 Volume 1 online bi
  • Analyse de la nature, Palermo 1815 (outlining a new system of classification)
  • Ichthyologia Ohiensis, 1820 (Beschreibung der Fische des Ohio River)
  • Florula ludoviciana, 1817 online bi
  • Neogenyton, 1825
  • Medical Flora, a manual of the Medical Botany of the United States of North America (1828–1830)
  • Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge (eight parts) (1832–1833)
  • A Life of Travels and Researches in North America and the South of Europe, From 1802 till 1835, Philadelphia, 1836.
  • New flora and botany of North America, (four parts) (1836–1838)
  • Alsographia americana, 1838 online bi
  • Sylva tellurana, 1838 online bi

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