Somerset (Unitary Authority)

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Somerset as sant di 1. April 2023 en unitary authority uun't seremoniel groofskap Somerset uun't Regiuun Süüd Waast Ingelun. Hoodstääd as Taunton.

Staatus Unitary Authority
Regiuun Süüd Waast Ingelun
Groofskap Somerset
Ferwaltangsteed Taunton
Grate 3.451 km²
Iinwenern 559.399[1]
Stant 30. Jüüne 2018[1]
ONS-Code 40
Grünjlaanj 1. April 2023

Diarföör wiar't en non-metropolitan county mä sjauer distrikten: Mendip (mä Wells), Somerset West and Taunton, Sedgemoor an South Somerset.

Trinjam lei Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset an North Somerset.

Kwelen Bewerke

  1. 1,0 1,1 Mid 2018 Estimates of the population for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

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